Please have the pet fasted for 12 hours prior to the exam. Do not withhold water.
When the client drops off the pet, please have them fill out the Ultrasound Pet Owner Consent form found here This helps the client to understand and give consent to what will be happening during the ultrasound. Permission for sedation/fine needle aspirate must be obtained before the exam, otherwise FNA will need to be re-scheduled.
A staff assistant will be needed to help restrain the pet.
If the animal is anxious or fractious, sedation ahead of time is recommended to ensure a complete exam and allow for patient comfort. It is usually required for obtaining fine needle aspirates. Please no Dexdomitor for echocardiograms. Sedation protocols can be provided on request.
If Tru-Cut biopsy is desired, it must be discussed and planned with Dr. Jarrett ahead of time.
If possible, to allow for as efficient an exam as possible, please have the animal shaved ahead of time. For abdominal ultrasounds, please shave from the xyphoid process to the pelvic bone with wide margins extending laterally over the last 3-4 ribs.
Payment is expected on the day of the procedure, unless prior arrangements have been made. Check, cash, and most credit/debit cards are accepted.
Dr. Jarrett will provide a verbal assessment of the case immediately after the exam. Board certified specialist reports will be provided next day. For urgent cases, reports can be provided within 4-6 hours for an extra fee.